Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 8 Days
- Deploy four infantry - three to use missle silos
on strategic days and one to capture lab
- Use APC to transport infantry to missle silos and
- Destroy rockets and both medium tanks, using tank
and recon coupled with missle silo launches
- (Colin is only CO that can perform in 8 days as
result of lower units costs; however, Olaf and Grit can
follow same basic strategy for completion in 9 days)
Day 1 |
- Deploy infantry form all bases
Day 2 |
- Place eastern infantry on allied HQ
- Move both remaining infantry all the way north
- Deploy APC from northern base
- Deploy infantry from eastern base
Day 3 |
- Head northern infantry onto missle silo (do not
launch missle)
- Launch missle from northernmost western missle
silo, attacking four enemy infantry
- Load infantry on HQ into APC, move all the way
east, and drop north
- Move final infantry as far east as possible
- Deploy recon from eastern base
Day 4 |
- Head recon northeast along road, next to eastern
- Load southern infantry into APC and head as far
north as possible, onto bridge
- Move eastern infantry all the way east
- Launch missle from northernmost missle silo
across mountains, attacking rockets and both medium
- Deploy tank from northern base
Day 5 |
- Move tank as far east as possible
- Launch missle from either eastern missle silo,
attacking rockets and both medium tanks
- Head recon all the way north
- Move APC as far north as possible, onto road
- Head northern infantry 2 spaces south, back
across mountains
Day 6 |
- Launch missle from any silo, attacking enemy medium
tank next to APC and being careful not to damage any
allied units
- Launch missle from any silo, attacking same enemy
medium tank next to APC and being careful not to damage
any allied units (attack may not have any apparent
effect; however, enough substantial damage is done)
- Destroy medium tank with recon from west
- Launch missle from final available silo, attacking
rockets and remaining medium tank
- Head APC 5 spaces north then 1 east, and drop north
onto neutral city
- Place tank as far north as possible onto bridge
Day 7 |
- Capture lab
- Move APC 4 spaces west, blocking entrance to bridge
and probibiting escape of crippled medium tank
- Place recon on road south of infantry capturing
- Head tank as far north as possible, onto road
Day 8 |
- Destroy medium tank with tank
- Destroy rockets with recon
- Finish capture of lab