Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 7 Days
- March into relatively undefended enemy HQ with
APC and infantry
- Kill enemy infantry unit with recon escort
Day 1 |
- Deploy APC from northernmost western base
Day 2 |
- Place APC 1 space south then 2 west, onto road
east of bridge
- Deploy infantry from either western base
- Deploy recon from remaining western base
Day 3 |
- Move recon as far south along road as possible
- Load infantry into APC and supply recon from south
Day 4 |
- Move APC as far west along road as possible
- Place recon as far west along road as possible
(do not attack adjacent infantry as attacking will shift
deployment of artillery to an unfavorable position)
Day 5 |
- (Note: Roads and bridge must not be blocked by enemy
units; additionally, enemy APC must not move onto enemy HQ;
otherwise, it must move off enemy HQ by beginning of
next day)
- Move APC 5 spaces west then 1 south and drop west onto
enemy base
- Attack infantry in forest with recon
Day 6 |
- (Note: If enemy APC was positioned on enemy HQ previous
day; it must have moved off enemy HQ by this day)
- Capture enemy HQ
- Kill injured infantry with recon
Day 7 |
- Finish capture of enemy HQ