Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 3 Days
- Use infantry as lure
- Take out potentially severe damaging units on Day 1
(anti-air and artillery)
- Mop up units near allied HQ with infantry, medium
tank, and artillery
- Destroy infantry advancing on bridge with rockets
- Uncover and destroy long-range units with recon, anti-air,
tank, and mech with APC
- Use tank to uncover lander in reef and destroy with
long-range units
Day 1 |
- Destroy artillery with recon from north and tank from east
- Destroy anti-air with medium tank
- Place artillery in space enclosed by recon, tank, and medium tank
- Move rockets next to tank
- Load mech into APC and place 2 spaces east of rockets, beside neutral city
- Head infantry 1 space east then 2 north between moutains
- Attack APC with anti-air from south
Day 2 |
- (Note: Enemy APC must not move; additionally, it is
recommended that allied infantry have at least 3HP after
attack from enemy recon)
- Kill eastern infantry with rockets (bridge must be
cleared of enemy infantry)
- Move APC 5 spaces east and drop east or south
- Head anti-air east onto bridge
- Destroy APC with artillery
- Destroy recon with medium tank from north
- Move infantry 1 space west then 1 north into forest
(if necessary, finish recon)
- Move recon as far northeast along road as possible
(uncover artillery in forest)
- Place tank adjacent to reef
Day 3 |
- Destroy lander with rockets and artillery
- Destroy artillery with tank and recon
- Destroy rockets with mech and anti-air
- Use CO Power
- Kill infantry with medium tank then infantry