Earliest Perfect S-Rank Time: 10 Days
- Cripple enemy infantry closest to base nearest enemy
HQ by attacking with allied tank while it is on road - then
let it return to enemy base to limit enemy deployment and
weaken defense near HQ
- Infiltrate and capture enemy HQ with infantry
- Capture neutral city with lab map for neotanks
- Destroy at least two enemy units in a single day
Day 1 |
- Deploy infantry from both bases
Day 2 |
- Head both infantry all the way west
Day 3 |
- Move southern infantry 2 spaces north then 1 west
- Deploy tank from southern base
- Capture neutral city with remaining infantry
Day 4 |
- Finish capture of neutral city
- Move remaining infantry all the way west
- Place tank where aformentioned infantry was situated
Day 5 |
- Cripple southernmost enemy infantry so only 2HP remaining
with tank (enemy infantry cannot have 3HP remaining)
- Place southern infantry 1 space south next to tank
- Head final infantry 2 spaces south then 1 west
- Deploy tank from southern base
Day 6 |
- (Note: All enemy infantry must move east, except
capturing infantry which will complete capture and crippled
infantry which must head west towards enemy base; additionally,
enemy APC should tail eastbound infantry)
- Head eastern tank 1 space north, then 4 west, and finally
1 north again
- Capture/wait on base with northern infantry
- Move remaining infanty west of western tank
- Attack infantry with tank from south (3HP should remain
so as to hinder possibility of joining)
Day 7 |
- (Note: Enemy APC must not move beside crippled 2HP
infantry and enemy infantry near neutral base should move
south of mountains near neutral base; also, walkthrough
assumes that enemy recon has moved onto plains west of
mountain 2 spaces west of neutral base; otherwise, recon
must still be attacked from south with western allied tank;
however, southern uninjured infantry must occupy beside forest
south of mountain west of neutral base and must retain 3HP
after attack from eastern allied tank)
- Attack APC with western infantry from south
- Cripple recon with western tank (only 2HP should remain so
as to limit possiblity of it attacking allied infantry headed
toward enemy HQ)
- Move remaining infantry 1 space east then 1 south, killing
injured infantry from west if able
- Attack infantry east of western tank with eastern tank
from south
- Deploy anti-air from northern base
Day 8 |
- Kill infantry on shoal with anti-air
- Attack tank with southern tank
- Kill injured infantry with remaining tank
- Head both infantry as far south as possible
Day 9 |
- Attack infantry on newly captured enemy city
with anti-air
- Attack/destroy tank with your own
- Capture neutral city with eastern infantry
- Capture enemy HQ with western infantry
- Attack anything else with final tank
Day 10 |
- Destroy infantry with anti-air
- Destroy any other enemy units that can be destroyed with tanks
- Finish capture of neutral city
- Finish capture of enemy HQ